5 Reasons You Will Love India

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5 reasons you will love india…

The first in a series of short articles on my favourite parts of the world… and why I love them so much.

And to start at the very top, here is why India is my all-time favourite destination.

Punjabi girls, Amritsar

1. The colours

India wouldn’t be India without the colours. The temples, adorned in oranges and greens and reds; the flowers; the painted trucks; and the saris… oh, the saris.

Wedding party, Tamil Nadu

2. The bustle

Before I went to India for the first time, I was truly intimidated by the thought of the throngs of people and the crowded streets. And you know what? It ended up being one of the things I love. India’s busy streets aren’t threatening (for the most part – always keep your guard up). It is simply a billion people, existing in a small space in their own small way. It’s a community, and I love it.

Cycle rickshaws, Varanasi

3. The food

Oh my god, the food. I love Indian food – I’m a Brit, after all, I grew up with it – and the real thing is just the same, only better. I’m also vegetarian, and India is the most veggie-friendly country on the planet. Enough said.

4. The flowers

I have no idea where all the flowers in India are grown, but they are EVERYWHERE. Garlands for every occasion. The local ladies often wear them in their hair, but sadly it just doesn’t look the same on my blonde…

Sleepy flower seller, Kolkata

5. The lack of pretence

India is unapologetic. Rich, poor, young, old, the fashionable and the unfortunate… they are all there for the world to see. However uncomfortable it may sometimes be, there is no pretence; everyone is just themselves, and open curiosity is the norm. It’s liberating.

Beggar, Tiruchirappalli

So there you have it: the reasons why I love India. Do you have a favourite country? What do you like about it?

Jill Bowdery, Reading the Book Travel: I'm Jill, and I'm a British blogger who has been travelling for two decades, visiting more than 70 countries on 6 continents. I love to travel both solo and with groups, and to discover the cultures and peoples of the countries I visit. And I love to share a good story or two along the way!

View Comments (2)

  • Hii! My name is Annalisa, I'm an Italian addicted to traveling. I was an expat for 6 years in China, and that's where I learned I needed traveling as I need to breathe! I also found out that, even if I studied Chinese and worked there for years, I feel much closer to Indian culture, deep inside! Therefore, I'm going to India. I wanted to ask you, were you a solo-traveler there? Was there a city you visited and you would have moved there? Like, what were the places you would visit again and again? Thank you so much!!

    • Hey Annalisa! I totally know what you mean, something about India just feels right to me, even if the culture is so different from my own. Have you been before? If you're interested in the culture and spirituality of India I would start with the south, especially Tamil Nadu. Loads of temples, great food and the people are so friendly. (I have a post on Tamil Nadu if you look - haha!).

      I haven't travelled solo there, I've tended to do group travel partly for safety reasons and partly because I have limited time and it's easier to have someone else do all the hard work for me. But plenty of people do go it alone. Just be super careful of your own safety and don't put yourself at risk. But it's an amazing country!

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